Vaping jokes

100 vaping jokes written by Chat GPT

  • Why did the vape go to therapy? To get rid of its bad "e-vap"or habits.
  • How do vape enthusiasts keep their cool? They always stay in a "cloud nine."
  • What did the vape pen say to the cigarette? "Times have changed, old friend. I’m the new puff in town."
  • Why did the vape pen break up with the charger? It felt they were just going in circles.
  • Why don't vapes tell secrets? Because they’re always blowing off steam!
  • How do vapers celebrate their birthdays? With a big “cloud” of applause.
  • What do you call a vape shop that only sells to dogs? The “puff” store.
  • Why was the vape late to the party? It was stuck in “traffic” mode.
  • What do vapes and bad jokes have in common? They both make people groan.
  • Why did the vape get a promotion? Because it always went above and beyond in the “cloud.”
  • How do you know a vaper is lying? Their story has too many “puffs.”
  • Why do vapers make terrible secret agents? They always leave a “trail.”
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite game? Hide and “vape.”
  • Why did the vape join the gym? To work on its “lung” capacity.
  • What did one vape say to the other at the bar? “Let’s blow this joint!”
  • Why did the vape go to school? To improve its “e-liquid”ity.
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite type of music? “Heavy metal.”
  • Why did the vape pen become a musician? Because it had great “note”ability.
  • How do vapers keep their homes clean? They use a lot of “e-vap”orators.
  • Why don’t vapes ever get lost? They always follow the “clouds.”
  • What do you call a vape that's good at solving mysteries? Sherlock “Ohms.”
  • Why was the vape always invited to parties? It knew how to create a good “atmosphere.”
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite movie? “Gone with the Wind.”
  • Why did the vape refuse to run for office? It didn't want to be caught in a “smoke” screen.
  • How do vapers stay cool in the summer? They always have a “chill” device.
  • What do you get when you cross a vape and a comedian? “Puff” the Magic Joker.
  • Why did the vape pen need a lawyer? It was caught in a “cloud” of suspicion.
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite sport? “Vaporizing” competitions.
  • Why did the vape pen fail its math test? It couldn’t handle the “pressure.”
  • What do vapes use to call their friends? A “cloud” phone.
  • Why was the vape always calm? Because it never got “heated.”
  • How do vapers navigate? With a “cloud” GPS.
  • Why did the vape become an artist? It loved making “mist”ical paintings.
  • What do you call a vape that tells tall tales? A “cloud” maker.
  • Why was the vape bad at dating? It always got “smoked” out.
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite social media? “Cloud” sharing.
  • Why do vapes make terrible gardeners? They keep “puffing” on the plants.
  • How do vapers stay fit? They do a lot of “lunges.”
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite vacation spot? “Cloud” City.
  • Why did the vape cross the road? To get to the “cloud” on the other side.
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite time of day? “Cloudy” afternoons.
  • Why do vapes hate traffic? They prefer smooth “flow.”
  • What do you call a vape that sings? A “cloud” crooner.
  • Why was the vape always so confident? It had a strong “presence.”
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite fruit? “Cloud”berries.
  • Why don’t vapes ever play hide and seek? They can’t stay hidden in a “cloud.”
  • How do vapes greet each other? “What’s puffin’?”
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite holiday? “Misty” Christmas.
  • Why did the vape join the band? It wanted to be a “puff” daddy.
  • How do vapes keep in touch? With “cloud” emails.
  • Why was the vape always the life of the party? It knew how to “vaporize” the competition.
  • What do you call a vape that loves to dance? A “cloud” stepper.
  • Why was the vape bad at geography? It always got lost in the “clouds.”
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite exercise? “Vapor” trails.
  • Why did the vape start a business? It had a great “e-liquid” asset.
  • What do vapes and magicians have in common? They both create “smoke and mirrors.”
  • Why was the vape always on time? It never missed a “puff.”
  • What do you call a vape that’s good at fixing things? A “cloud” technician.
  • Why do vapes make great friends? They’re always “uplifting.”
  • How do vapers organize their lives? With “cloud” storage.
  • Why was the vape pen always calm in emergencies? It had a “cool” head.
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite animal? A “cloud” poodle.
  • Why did the vape get an award? For outstanding “puff”ormance.
  • How do vapes stay informed? They read the “cloud” news.
  • What do vapes and chefs have in common? They both love a good “whiff.”
  • Why don’t vapes play sports? They hate the “pressure.”
  • What do you call a vape that loves puzzles? A “cloud” solver.
  • Why was the vape so good at presentations? It always had a “clear” point.
  • How do vapes do their shopping? Online “cloud” stores.
  • What do vapes and actors have in common? They both love “dramatic” entrances.
  • Why was the vape always relaxed? It never got “hot” under the collar.
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite type of weather? “Misty” mornings.
  • Why do vapes make great negotiators? They’re good at finding “common ground.”
  • What do you call a vape that’s a detective? A “puff” sleuth.
  • How do vapes get around town? On “cloud” bikes.
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite board game? “Cloud” nine.
  • Why did the vape pen write a book? It had a “mist”ifying story.
  • What do vapes and artists have in common? They both create “masterpieces.”
  • Why do vapes make terrible chefs? They keep “vaporizing” the food.
  • How do vapes send messages? By “cloud” mail.
  • What do you call a vape that loves history? A “cloud” historian.
  • Why do vapes make great teachers? They always have a “clear” explanation.
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite color? “Misty” grey.
  • Why was the vape always happy? It was living on “cloud” nine.
  • How do vapes celebrate holidays? With a big “puff” of joy.
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite snack? “Cloud” chips.
  • Why was the vape always confident? It knew it was the “puff” of the town.
  • What do you call a vape that’s always positive? An “up-lifter.”
  • Why do vapes love the internet? Because they’re all about “cloud” computing.
  • How do vapes stay organized? With “cloud” planners.
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite hobby? “Puff” painting.
  • Why was the vape always relaxed? It never got “heated” over small stuff.
  • What do vapes and pilots have in common? They both love the “clouds.”
  • Why was the vape pen so successful? It always had a “clear” goal.
  • How do vapes stay cool in summer? They always have a “cool” breeze.
  • What do you call a vape that’s good at math? A “cloud”ulator.
  • Why did the vape go on vacation? To “puff” off some steam.
  • What’s a vaper’s favorite drink? “Cloudy” lemonade.
  • How do vapes celebrate victories? With a big “puff” of pride.
  • Why was the vape pen always calm? It knew how to stay in the “cool” zone.                                                                                                                                                       ADD YOUR OWN IN THE COMMENTS BELOW.  
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