Best VG Tobacco Vape Juice | Freeman Vape juice

Best VG Tobacco Vape Juice

The best VG tobacco vape juice is a radical departure from the majority of tobacco e-juice flavors you have tried. Now, let’s all be honest. From the first days of vaping, capturing the authentic flavor of tobacco has been very elusive. Most tobacco e-liquids taste like a combination of sweaty t-shirt and a charcoal briquette. Yah, not good. Well we’re not going to take it anymore!

Freeman has found a better way. We have made the best VG tobacco vape juice. It all started with a genuine tobacco flavor perfected through relentless trial and error. Listen, it all started with the chemists in the lab working to find that tobacco flavor. We had focus groups come in and vape it until we had consensus of the best tobacco e-juice flavor. Great, but that was only step one.

Once we had the tobacco flavor just right, it was time to find complimentary flavors to bring out the earthy tobacco flavor and accent the vaping sensation with a touch of sweetness. Once again trial and error was deployed. As were our brutally honest vaping focus group members. We knew that we would not rest until we achieved consensus. And we knew that they would hold nothing back!

Best VG Tobacco Vape Juice

what is the best tobacco vape juice and why

When blending vape juice ingredients and recipes into a craft vape, the quality of the ingredients cannot be overstated. At Freeman, all of our ingredients are sourced from the best and most trusted suppliers in the United States.That includes flavor ingredients. The quest for the best tobacco flavor vape juice moved on to finding which flavors would best accent an authentic tobacco flavor.

A nutty flavor brings out the earthy tobacco essence. A creamy texture would make the vaping sensation smoother than nuts and tobacco alone. Obviously, the answer is peanut butter! That’s where we went. We added a modicum of peanut butter flavor to work with the tobacco flavor to enhance the authenticity of the tobacco.

Finally, a touch of sweetness! We considered and experimented with some fruit flavors. Perhaps the fruit and nut flavor would add to the enjoyment of the tobacco flavor. But our focus group said no. We went back to the drawing board and decided that butterscotch was the ticket. Butterscotch does not cover or alter the nutty tobacco flavor, instead the butterscotch, in small portions, contributed the suggestion of sweetness and worked with the tobacco and peanut butter flavor. In essence, they did not work against each other but rather in harmony with each other.

Freeman Trail Blazer Vape Juice

Freeman Trail Blazer is the best VG tobacco vape juice. We developed this flavor with patience and intention. The authentic tobacco flavor is accented by the full-bodied smoothness of peanut butter. The sensation is topped off with a drizzle of warm butterscotch. It really is a triumphant triumvirate working together for an amazing vapor experience.

Trail Blazer comes in 120 ml vape juice bottles. It is a premium quality vape juice but you can buy it for less than most companies charge for a 30 ml bottle. Freeman is made for vapers. We are vapers. And we are determined to provide our customers with a better vape at the best price.

There are three nicotine levels to choose from:

  • 0 mg
  • 3 mg
  • 6 mg

The vaping is smooth and flavorful The 80 / 20 - VG / PG blend produces a robust, thick vapor and a lot of it! Our meticulous production process ensures that our 80 / 20 blend does not compromise on flavor. Many of our customers tell us that our 80 / 20 is better for flavor than our competitors 70 / 30 blends.

Freeman Trail Blazer is the best tobacco vape juice. It is a must for tobacco lovers.

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Freeman Vape Juice Blazing Trails

You don’t have to over pay to enjoy vaping at its best. Freeman is rocking the boat and we are proud of it. We did take our sweet time developing flavors, but that patience paid off because we are proud of the finished products. We don’t believe in taking shortcut. Nor do we believe in following someone else’s trail. At Freeman, we rolled up our sleeves and built a new path. We blaze our own trail to make the best vape juice at the lowest prices for a premium juice.

When we first opened for business, we were very confident that we had the line-up of winning flavors that vapers would love. Our flavors are a huge hit with our customers. That includes the best menthol vape juice, along with amazing fruit and dessert flavors. As confident as we were, the reviews we have been getting from our customers have made every bit of effort worthwhile. We owe our customers everything and we pledge to always listen and put you first.

The Freeman difference shines in the quality of the vape. The rich and satisfying vapor is the result of precision crafting using the best ingredients. Everyone says they use the best ingredients, but we really do. There is no compromise here. Crafting the best VG tobacco vape juice was no accident. It was a labor of love. With a little help from the vaping aficionados who attended our focus groups and helped us refine Trail Blazer until it was just right.

Why Trail Blazer Is The Best Tobacco Vape Juice

Earlier we mentioned how most tobacco e-liquids fail. Generally speaking, they are a rushed facsimile of tobacco flavor based on a burnt or smokey flavor. But tobacco should not taste like smoked meats or feet after a 12 hour workday. It is not easy to create an authentic tobacco flavor. You cannot rush the process. I can’t speak for any other vape juice companies but at Freeman we are 100 percent certain that our customers deserve better.

Customers are telling us that Trail Blazer is the best VG tobacco vape juice they have ever vapes. The reason goes back to the process. It goes back to the trial and error. A big part of the recipe is the flavors that accompany the tobacco. The peanut butter and butterscotch in the perfect proportions make all the difference. The smoothest tobacco e-juice, too! Flavors working in harmony is the secret.

Of course, we will not be sharing our recipe! Many will try to copy us but they will never match us. Train Blazer tobacco vape juice is for our customers. That’s who we care about and that’s who we work for. Thank you for vaping Freeman!

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